Children Are Happier When Parents Resolve Their Conflict
Divorce-Related Services in St. Louis, MO
John Borders - Counselor and Consultant
Professional Services
I provide divorce mediation, co-parenting counseling, and parenting coordination services. My approach to each of these is the same -- to help parents to resolve their differences so as to minimize any negative impact upon their children. The extent of my involvement in the parents' decision-making process varies in each of these services. I am an impartial facilitator as Divorce Mediator, a more directive interventionist as Co-Parenting Counselor, and an arbitrator with decision-making authority as Parenting Coordinator.

The Benefits:
- The parents make the decisions -- not two attorneys, or a Guardian ad Litem, or a judge.
- It costs significantly less -- my fee is lower than an attorney's and is split between both parents. Otherwise, each parent hires an attorney, pays for a Guardian ad Litem (attorney for the child/rem), and pays the huge costs of going to court.
- Privacy -- Court cases are a matter of public record. Privately resolved disputes are not.
The Goals:
- Minimize Conflict
- Improve Information Sharing
- Establish Clear Boundaries
- Facilitate Joint Decision-Making
- Improve Parenting Skills